User Posts: Marc Edwards
Best value

Finally. The long-awaited sale is on. You filled your shopping cart with a 55” TV, a set of the latest sound system and various home entertainment ...


Power Surges. The sworn enemy of all gamers. It was raining outside - with occasional lightning and thunder. You were glad to be at home playing your ...


Home security and safety are probably two of the most important things you have in mind when you plan any form of improvements to your new or existing home. ...


A washing machine is by no means the type of major household appliance that you can easily replace without blinking an eyelid. Price tags of some high-end ...


Despite popular beliefs, it is actually not dangerous if you decided to daisy chain surge protectors and extension cords to each other. Many a time, we have no ...


Most people are at a loss when it comes to buying surge protectors for their prized electrical appliances at home. Only a selected handful actually knows what ...

Best value

Belkin has always been one of the leading brands in the surge protection industry. They have manufactured many great and not-so-great surge protection devices ...


I love to pack and carry as few things as possible whenever I travel. And as much as I do not like to, I always bring along a couple of portable travel surge ...

Editor choice

From time to time, I have people asking me what is the best form of protection from power spikes and surges for home audio-video systems. My reply has ...


One of my clients, Tom, moved into his new apartment in Oklahoma City, Florida last month. As Florida is a lightning-prone state, Tom decided to install a ...

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Gag The Surge